Classic Zumba


While Zumba itself (in its classic form) is a perfect combination between fitness and dancing, the Zumba Sentao™ program is a more extensive new way to improve the fitness-party thrill!
Sentao Instructors we have are all certified by the Zumba LLC for being able to train in this specialty program.
By attending this particular class you will master some impressive and intense chair-based choreography that will strengthen, optimize and stabilize your body’s core, and will definitely improve the efficiency with which you do your cardio workouts!
The Zumba Sentao™ workout basically merges the explosive character of a “regular’ Zumba class with some specific chair-based choreography.
As to who are the perfect students for signing up to Zumba Sentao, we can add that anyone who loves dancing or doing squats, lunges, and crunches can rejoice here!

People whom we would recommend taking this class:
  • professional athletes, preparing for competitions
  • fitness junkies who want an extra workout
  • amateur athletes with a mid to long experience in dancing or fitness

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