Месяц: Апрель 2016

Dangers of Perfumes & Scented Products While Exercising
So, I assume that if you’re reading this you’re just trying to make your workout routine more healthy and fun by attending a Zumba class. But most likely by now you realize you’ve entered a chemical danger zone. In the beginning of class, the girl next to…

How to Nightclub two step for dance exercise cooldowns
With Zumba, just like any other fitness or a dancing style (which it has something from both of those) having so many standard routines and moves, I thought that filming a tutoring video on how to do the steps I usually do for Nightclub two step routines will be…

Zumba and Yoga
In case you were not aware of the fact, there’s a whole movement of people, united in their love of both Yoga and Zumba. Which is itself quite a paradox, considering that one is a calm and serene routine and the other is all funky and loud party-like routine. But I …

How to Dance Merengue for dance exercise
Combining your love for Latin American dancing by doing both Merengue and the Zumba is a perfect duo. Basic March Step: March in place, but instead of thinking about lifting up your knee, as you would during a regular non-dancing march, put focus on…

Which Zumba teacher do you like better?
While our classes have our own list of teachers to be rated, the question here is more about “which type” of Zumba teachers do you like the best? Everyone is always talking about which Zumba teachers are awesome. Which ones are good depends on how…

How can I protect my knees while dancing?
While any fitness or dancing routine (Zumba including) should be about you having your fun times, it should also be about taking care of all the health risks… So the first tip for keeping your knees safe is the following: 1) Reduce your body weight, so less weight…